Friday, February 22, 2013

Window in VC Plus Plus

Create the window:
The window class define general properties of window. CreateWindow function allow user to create window.

Structure of CreateWindow( ) function:

 window class name,
                                                 window caption,
                                                 window style,
                                                 initial x position,
                                                 initial y position,
                                                 parent window handler,
                                                 program instance handler,
                                                 create parameter

1.    Display the window:
ShowWindow( ) fucntion is used to display a window which is created using CreateWindow( ) fucntion.

ShowWindow(hwnd, windowmode);

·        The first argument is the handle to the window created by CreateWindow.

·        The second argument is the window mode.

There are three modes available:

2.    Update the window:
     Update window function is called when current window is modified or changed. For example if a window is moved from its current position or resized then then UpdateWindow( ) function is called to update current window.
UpdateWindow call windows paint by sending window handler with message WN_PAINT.


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