Saturday, February 2, 2013

STL (Standard Template Library) of C++

STL (Standard Template Library):
STL provide a readymade set of common classes for C++. The STL is general purpose classes (Data Structure) and function (Algorithm) that could be used as a standard approach for storing data and processing of data.

Components of STL –
1.     Containers:
A container is an object that store data. It is a way by which data is organised in memory. The STL containers are implemented by template class and therefore can be easily customized.
2.     Algorithms:
An algorithm is a procedure that is used to process the data contained in the container. The STL includes many different kind of algorithm to provide support to tasks such as initializing, searching, copying, sorting and merging. Algorithms are implemented by template function.
3.     Iterators:
An iterator is an object that point to an element in a container. We can use iterator to move through the contents of the container. Iterator can handle the data of container. Iterator connect algorithm with container.

Application of container class –
                                                        i.            Stack
                                                      ii.            Queue
                                                    iii.            Vector
                                                   iv.            DeQue
                                                     v.            List
                                                   vi.            Map
                                                 vii.            Multimap
                                               viii.            Priority_Queue


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