Saturday, February 2, 2013

Services, Attacks & Mechanisms

a.     Services
b.    Attacks
c.     Mechanism
Intro to these terminologies:
Security Attack: Any action that compromises the security of information owned by an organisation.
Security Mechanism: A mechanism that is designed to detect, prevent or recover from a security attack.
Security Services: A service that enhances the security of data processing systems and the information transfers of an organisation.
            The services provide an environment which is opposite to security attacks and they make use of one or more security mechanism to provide the service.

In detail:
Attack is an assault on system security that derives from an intelligent threat to violate security services and security policies of the system.
            A potential for violation of security which exist when there is a circumstance, capability, action or event that could breach            security and cause harm is known as Threat.
Attacks are of two types:
1.    Passive Attack:
A passive attack attempts to learn or make use of information from the system but does not affect the system resources whereas an active attack attempts to alter system resources or affect their operation.
There are two types of passive attacks-
                                                                                i.            Release of message contents
                                                                              ii.            Traffic analysis
i.                   Release of message contents:
The release of message can understand by the following example-
Suppose during a telephonic conversation third person can learn about information if that is connected through the same line. Their information may be sensitive or confidential.
ii.                Traffic analysis:
Suppose that we have a way of masking in which the contents of message or other information are not disclosed easily so the opponent if capture the message could not extract the information from the message. And the common technique for masking contents is encryption.

2.    Active attacks:
It involves some modification of data stream or the creation of false stream and it is categorised into four techniques-
                                                                                i.            Denial of service (DOS) attack
                                                                              ii.            Modification of message
                                                                            iii.            Replay
                                                                           iv.            Masquerade
i.                   Denial of service (DOS) attack:
This prevents the normal use of communication facility. This attack may have a specific target.
For ex:
An entity (Intruder) may transmit all messages from different clients to a particular destination.
      Another form of DOS attack is the disruption of the entire network by disabling it or overloading it with the message to degrade the performance.

ii.                Modification of message:
It means some portion of message or the entire message is altered, reordered or produce an unauthorised effect.
For ex:
A message
“Raj can read some confidential file of Veena.”
Is changed into
“Amit can read some confidential file of Veena.”

iii.              Replay:
It involves the passive captures of a data unit and its subsequent retransmission to produce an unauthorised effect.

iv.              Masquerade:
A masquerade takes place when one entity pretends to be a different entity.
For ex:
Some authentication sequences can capture and replayed after a valid authentication process.

There is no single mechanism that will support all the functions or services. It is necessary to update mechanism types according to time.

A user thinks that information is normally associated with physical documents. Documents typically have signatures and dates which are protected from disclosure tempering (altering) or destruction.
            Apart from print data some electronic data are also available or it can reform by print data. Several aspects of e-data make the document or functions or services challenging.
1.     It is usually possible to discriminate between an original paper document and a Xerox copy.
2.     An alteration of a paper document may leave some sort of physical evidence.
3.     Any proof process associated with a physical document depends on the physical characteristic of that document.
For ex: Shape of an written signature or embossed notary seal.


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