Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pseudorandom Number,Coin Flipping & Edeges of Cryptology developement

Pseudorandom Number generation:
In computers the information is deterministic but for many applications random numbers are needed for the specification.
These applications involve simulation, efficient algorithm & cryptology itself. But a machine can not generate random numbers so a new concept of pseudo-randomness arise which generates a new random number or bit.
A pseudorandom number generates stretches a short string into a much longer string which looks random.

Coin Flipping:
The overall concept of coin flipping is used where the key is very much sensitive and protocols are predefined. This method is used in “authenticated key exchange”. This is another form of pseudorandom number generation which changes the state of the situation running.

Phases in cryptology’s development:
There are three edges or stages for the development of cryptography.
1.     In the first early stage algorithm was implemented with paper and ink.
            Juliun Ceaser was inventor of cryptography in which he used substitution technique for conversion of plain text.
            He declared the modern cryptography technique in which the plain texts are a group of
F (P) =P1, P2, P3, P4...... Pn .
And converted text (Cipher text) was
F (C) =C1, C2, C3, C4...... Cn .

And the substitution technique was used on the basis of alphabets [A, B, C, D......Z]

2.     The second edge was associated with the period of world war second. In which the famous crypto engine was named as “German Enigma Machine”.
3.     The last edge is modern cryptology which has the mixture of mathematics, computer and electronics. Mathematical tools are used to design protocols and computers are used to implement them.


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