Friday, February 22, 2013

Message Loop

Message Loop:
When the program is ready to use keyboard and mouse input from user, these inputs comes in the form of “message”. The window maintains a message queue for each program. When input event occurs, windows translate the event into message i.e. placed in the program message queue.
A program retrieves these messages from the queue by executing a block of code known as the “message loop”.


1.     GetMessage:
The GetMessage call begins the message queue. The second, third, fourth arguments are set to NULL or 0 to indicate that program wants all messages from program.
If the message field of the message retrieve from the message queue as anything except WM_QUIT, GetMessage returns a non-zero value.

2.     TranslateMessage:
TranslateMessage takes responsibility of translating key stroke message to character message.

3.     DispatchMessage:
DispatchMessage pass the message structure to WndProc. After the WndProc process the Message, it returns the control to window. The message loop continue with the next message call.


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