Monday, February 25, 2013

MDI and Splitter window

MDI (Multiple Document Interface) :-
It is possible to create documents that are associated with single view, Such as interface is called MDI.

The SDI can load only one document at time although it can have multiple views in the same window, using the splitter window.
The MDI has multiple child windows, each of which corresponds to individual document. We can have multiple views in multiple document interface using split window.
For Ex: MS Word

Splitter window & multiple views
The multiple documents can be associated with multiple views but the single document interface (SDI) is associated with only one document at a time. We can have multiple views in a single document interface using a special control called splitter window.
For Ex:

Types of splitter window:
1.     Static splitter window
It gets created when the window is firs created. The panes of the static window cannot be changed. The user cannot move the bar and cannot re-split or un-split the window.

2.     Dynamic splitter window
User allowed splitting window using the menu bar option view->split. In a dynamic splitter window scroll bars are shared among the view. All the dynamic view objects get destroyed when the frame is destroyed.


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