Sunday, February 17, 2013

HTML Formatting

HTML Formatting
·      <p>
This tag is used to declare a paragraph.
<p align=”left/right/center” > </p>

·      <pre>
It declares the text as it is shown in notepad.

·      <text>
     It works as Pera tag.

·      <div>
This tag is used to declare a specific division in the web page.
      <b>Jai Siya Ram</b>
      <i>Jai Siya Ram</i>
                  <b>Jai Siya Ram</b>
                  <i>Jai Siya Ram</i>

·      <br>
This tag is used to break the running line.

·      <nobr>
It defines no break for a running line.

·      <hr>
This tag is used to draw a horizontal row.
Width attribute works with it.

·      <center>
This tag aligns the data to center.

·      <Font>
It has three attributes
Face-defines font family
Size-defines size
Color-defines color
(Note: color can be used in hex form(RGB) )“#FF0000”.

·      <body>
Bgcolor- defines background color
Background- defines background image
Text- defines default color of text

·      HTML List
Two types of lists are used
1.    Ordered list
For ordered list <ol> tag is used.
2.    Unordered list
For Unordered list <ul> tag is used.
<Li> is used to define any list item.

Attributes used with list tags:
     Type=”circle/square/disk” “1/a/A/i/I”
     Start=”starting value (Always Integer)”

For Ex:
<ol type=”i” start=”5”>

<ul type=”square”>

·      HTML Image
<img src=”Image path” height=”100% / 100px / 100” width=”100%” align=”r/c/l” alt=”name” hspace=”20%/20px/20”vspace=”20%” title=”image title or name”/>

Note: some special values are also used with align attribute in img tag.
<img src=”” align=”texttop/abstop/absbottom/baseline”/>

·      <big>
This tag is used to make fonts bold and big in size.

·      <small>
This tag is used to make fonts small in size.

·      <strike>
This tag is used to generate strike effect.

·      HTML heading
<h1> text </h1>
<h2> text </h2>
<h3> text </h3>
<h4> text </h4>
<h5> text </h5>
<h6> text </h6>

·      HTML linking
For linking <a> (Anchor) tag is used with attribute href.
      <a href=”page or file name including path which we want to link”           Click Here...

Note: Target attribute is used with anchor tag to identify where to open particular link.
< a href=”whatever” target=”_self/_main _/perent/_top”>click here</a>

·      <Marquee>
<marquee bgcolor=”” direction=”left/right/up/down” behaviour=”alternet/scrool/slide” scrollamount=”” scrolldelay=”” height=”” width=””>Text Here</marquee>

Marquee is used for moving text effect.
Scrollamount and scrolldelay attributes are used to move text fast and slow respectively.

·       Write a program to generate the following output:
BCA 1st Year
                  <font color=”#______”>B</font>
                  <font color=”#______”>C</font>
                  <font color=”#______”>A</font>
                  <font color=”#______”>1<sup>st</sup></font>
                  <font color=”#______”>Year</font>

Note: If need space we can use &nbsp; or <spacer size=”value”> tag
     Pair of &nbsp; creates a single space.

·       Write a program which show five students names in following manner:
1.   Names should be unformatted (Unordered manner) manner.
2.   Names numbering should be in numerical manner.
3.   Names numbering should be in roman manner and start from V.



                  <ol type=”i” start=”5”>

·       Write a program which contains an image and the image should appear in the center of the screen:

                  <img scr=”path of image” hspace=”value” vspace=”value” height=”” width=””\>


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